Burnaby Judo Club instructors provide judo instruction emphasizing safe practice. Our instructors are NCCP certified and participate in coaching clinics and seminars. A number of our instructors are currently, or have been, high-level athletes competing at the national and international level and are up to date on IJF-compliant techniques and rules.

Mr. Tom Mukai – Club Founder
Burnaby Judo Club Founder
Rank: Hachidan
IJF “A” Referee
Sensei Tom Mukai earned his at Shodan the Steveston Judo Club in 1957. He spent the early 1960’s studying Judo at the Kodokan in Tokyo, before returning to Canada to teach at the Steveston Dojo. In 1964, he opened the Burnaby Judo Club with his brother Sensei Henry Mukai. Sensei Tom has been teaching Judo continuously for fifty years, making the Burnaby Judo Club one of the oldest sports clubs in the city. He has been an International Competitor, Coach and IJF Referee. Sensei Tom is a Lifetime Member of Judo BC, and as a Hachidan, is the second highest ranking Black Belt in British Columbia. Sensei Tom still comes out on the mat from time to time.
Club Founder – Mr. Henry Mukai
Coming soon.
Head Sensei – Johannes Schenk
Johannes Schenk – Head Sensei
Johannes is the head sensei at the Burnaby Judo Club, and has been practicing judo for over 50 years, most of that time as a member of the Burnaby Judo Club. Johannes has been a national champion as a junior and as a veteran. Johannes holds the rank of Sandan, and has decades of experience instructing children, youth and adults, including high-level competitive athletes.